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Learn from the best


The Meijin - Yuriy A. Kostrov, the Grand Master/Hanshi/Professor - 10th Baysa/Dan Black Belt, Founder/Kaiso of Kostrov's Universal Fisticuffs Agni Kempo style, Founder and President of World Kostrov's Universal Fisticuffs Organization “Agni Kempo”  (WKUFO AK), was born in 1950. 
Yuriy A. Kostrov, is a professional coach, graduated from Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport in 1972 with the title: "Master of sport" in judo (3rd Dan), who was a member of Ukrainian judo team since 1968 till 1970 and also has being a candidate to a member of national team of the USSR. 
At the beginning of 70's he served at of anti-diversionary battalion of strategically missile forces, where he obtained special preparation on hand-to-hand fight. Took part in the several military actions. 
From 1970 till 1976 he studied independently such styles of karate as Shotokan, Goju-ryu, Kyokushin. From 1976 till 1986 he was trained under a supervision of Lama Go Yuan and obtained from him generic gunfu school "Shang Dao Chuan". 
Since 1984, on advice of the master, he began to elaborate his own style and by 1987 the synthesis of his system of fisticuffs was completed. From 1976 till 1981 the Teacher took part in 34 underground fights (due to interdiction of martial arts and shock single combats in the USSR).

After 1987, in order to test the system created by him, Yuriy A. Kostrov went to Europe, where he participated in sparrings with leading masters of such styles as goju-ryu, hakko-ryu and kyokushin. 
After this successful tour, since 1989, founded by the Teacher the World Kostrov's Universal Fisticuffs Organization Agni Kempo. 
For years of the trainer's work, with 1989, has prepared 4th Champions of the Europe and 4th World Champions in section of Contact Fights.
Agrees with an internal Rule for WKUFO AK entered from the moment of the basis WKUFO AK and dividing ranks for the Masters to the statuses: the Master, Master-Expert and Grand Master-Expert, Technical Advisory Committee has appropriated to 17/06/1999 the Founder of WKUFO AK Yuriy A. Kostrov the status - Grand Master-Expert for Martial Arts, authorized by Technical Advisory Committee and Black Belts. 
January 1, 2004 to the Professor Yriy A. Kostrov the scientific degree "Doctor of Philosophy in Martial Arts" was appropriated by International Coucil of Higher Martial Arts Education of Philippines, Certificate of Authentication # 8485742 and National Dragon Council University of Asian Studies (USA), Certificate of Authentication # 0410Q7-YK47F4. 

His experience in martial arts more 60 years.

The Member and International Representative of the International League Martial Artists Masters (USA) 
The Honourable Member of The Gulf Coast Martial Artist Guild (USA) 
The member of the World Nibuikai Budo Federation and Nihon Nibuikai Budo Renmei, 10th Dan, Hanshi (Germany, Japan) 
The Lifetime member of the World Street Combat Systems Organization, 9th Dan, Professor (Germany) 
The member of the International Kosho Ryu Kempo Council, 7th Dan (Canada) 
The Lifetime member of the World Martial Arts Masters Society 
The member of Korean Yudo and Hapkido Association, 9th Dan (R.Korea) 
The Lifetime member of The World Soke Council, 10th Dan, Soke/Judan (Kobe, Japan) 
The Lifetime member of The World Head of Society (The Heads and Founders Society of International Styles) 
The Member of the United States of America Martial Arts Dan Registry with a rank 10th Dan 
The International Executive Member of International Karate Union (Pakistan) 
The Member of International Founder and Headmaster Council 
The Ambassador of the Martial Arts Association - International (Member of the Board of Director) 
Lifetime Member of organization "Kempo International" (Sweden) 
The Member of World-wide Federation of Bodyguards (Great Britain) 
The Member of National Kobudo Federation Pakistan 
Lifetime Member of Yamaguchi Karate International (India) 
The Member of Soke Council of Martial Arts Alliance Budo Bujutsu Renmei (Great Britain) 
Life Membership of Nihon To-Jutsu Karate-Do Kai (USA) 
The Member of the University of Martial Arts FIMA (Iran)
Director of the International Network VIP-bodyguard IACPO in Ukraine
The Representative of the International Society of Bujutsu in Ukraine
The Representative of South American Police Training Systems in Ukraine
The Member of the Board of the Kiev Association of Veterans Intelligence Navy (Ukraine)
Member of the Union of police peacekeepers veterans of Ukraine
The Member of Interpol Public Security, colonel.


The Hanshi Vera A. Morozova - 9-th Baysa/Dan, the Grand Master, Vice-president of WKUFO AK, Co-foundress/Sodai of Agni Kempo School in Ukraine, technical expert of the Organization. Formerly she was professional ballet-dancer, soloist of ballet. 
     In 1989 for creation of School of Agni Kempo in Ukraine, on Congress WKUFO AK, from hands of the founder Agni Kempo has received the Certificate on assignment to 4 Baysa/Dan Agni Kempo. 
     In 1992, after demonstration of the system in Bulgaria, the President of Federation Wu-Shu of Bulgaria, mister Dorian Alexandrov, given to her a rank Dziao-She Wu-Shu. 
     In 1993, after a victory of Agni Kempo team above the representatives more than 20 styles of East Martial Arts systems on International Open All-styls Champioship on Fisticuffs on the next Congress of Organization, from hands of the founder Agni Kempo, has received to her the Certificate on assignment of 8th Baysa (Dan).
          In 1999, in connection with creation WKUFO AK and for successes in development Agni Kempo, Technical Advisory Committee her confirmed rank 9th Baysa (Dan) and has appropriated a rank Grandmaster-expert of martial arts.

Her experience in martial arts more 30 years.

The Member of World Martial Arts Master Society,
The Member of World Nibuikai Budo Federation (Germany) and
Nihon Nibuikai Budo Renmei (Japan),
The Life Member of Yudo and Hapkido Association (R.Korea)


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The Head coaches and instructors of the International Camp

Yuriy Kostrov - Grand Master, PhD MA, 10th Baysa/Dan KUF Agni Kempo (Meijin), the Master of sports of the USSR on judo, the Founder/Kaiso and International President of World Kostrov's Universal Fisticuffs Organization Agni Kempo.
10th Dan Goju-Ryu Karate, 10th Dan Kyokushin Goju karate - Shihan, 10th Dan Nibuikai Kempo-Karate - Hanshi, 

10th Dan Kempo Jiu-Jitsu, 10th Dan Kempo-Karate, 9th Degree Black Belt Street Combat Karate - Professor, 
9th Dan Yudo & Hapkido, 7th Dan Kosho Ryu Kempo, 6th Dan Krav Maga.

Vera Morozova - Grand Master, 9 Baysa/Dan KUF Agni Kempo (Shodai), 9th Dan Nibuikai Kempo-Karate - Hanshi. 

9th Dan Kempo Jiu-Jitsu, 8th Dan Kempo-Karate, 8th Degree Black Belt Street Combat Karate - Professor, 8th Dan Yudo & Hapkido.

Yaroslav Bezrukov - 1st Baysa/Dan KUF Agni Kempo Black Belt (Kanshusei).

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