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Yuriy Kostrov

   Professional trainer. In 1972 he graduated from the Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports.

   Ph.D, 10th Baysa/Dan Agni Kempo, Grand Master/Meijin.

   USSR Master of Sports in Judo.

Founder/Kaiso and President of the World Agni Kempo Organization/ Kostrov's Universal Fistucuffs.


10th Dan Goju-Ryu Karate

10th Dan Kyokushin Goju Karate, Shihan

10th Dan Nibuikai Kempo Karate, Hanshi

10th Dan Kempo Ju-Jutsu

10th Dan Kempo Karate

9th Degree Black Belt of Street Martial Karate, Professor

9th Dan of Kungchido Academy

7th Dan Kosho Ryu Kempo
6th Dan Krav Maga Combat Concept, Black Belt, instructor

"Grandmaster of the Year of Russian Martial Arts" at the 5th International Hall of Fame 2013 (Germany)

Full Member and International Representative of the International League of Martial Arts Masters (USA)

Honorary Member of the Martial Arts Guild (USA)

Member of the World Nibuikai Budo Federation and Japanese Nibuikai Budo Renmei (Germany, Japan)

Life Member of the World Combat Street Systems Organization  (Germany)

Member of the International Council Kosho Ryu Kempo (Canada)

Lifetime member of the World Martial Arts Society

Member of the Korean Judo and Hapkido Association  (South Korea)

Life Member of the World Soke Council  (Japan)

Life Member of the World Society of Heads and Founders of International Styles (Philippines)

Member of the Martial Arts Dan Registration System of the United States of America

Member of the International Karate Union (Pakistan)

Member of the International Council of Founders and Heads of Styles (Philippines)

Member of the Board of Directors and Ambassador of the International Martial Arts Association (Germany)

Lifetime member of International Kempo (Sweden)

Member of the World Bodyguards Federation  (UK)

Member of the National Kobudo Federation of Pakistan

Life Member of International Yamaguchi Karate Organization (India)

Member of the Council Soke Budo Martial Arts Alliance Bujutsu Renmei (UK)

Life Member Nihon To-Jutsu Karate-do Kai (USA)

Member of the World Council of Martial Arts - Reg. No. G-67141 (Great Britain)
Honorary Member of the International Modern Combat Association (Poland)

Member of the Condor Police and Army Trainers Association (Argentina)
President-Representative of the World Martial Arts Organizer in Ukraine (Saudi Arabia)
Honorary lifetime member of the World Pan-Armenian Center for Combat Karate Jitsu and Special Protection (Armenia)
Representative of the Krav Maga Academy in Ukraine (Germany)

Rector of the International Agni Kempo Institute (Ukraine, EU, USA, Philippines, Iran)
Member of Shobu Dojo (Poland)
Member of the Latin American Martial Arts Federation Lutas (Brazil)
Ukraine Representative of the Martial Arts Police Metods (Colombia)
Honorary lifetime Membership of International Headmaster & Sokeship Council (Italy)
Membership of World Budo and Bushido Organization (USA)
Honorary Membership of Akuna Sifta Shinto Ryu (Italy)

Member of the International Academy of Cossacks, Academician

Member of the Kiev Navy Intelligence Veterans Association

Member of the Union of Police Peacekeepers - Veterans of Ukraine

Member of the International Police Corporation for Public Safety

   On January 1, 2004, the Higher Educational Council of the Martial Arts of the Philippines No. 8485742 and the Department of Martial Arts - National Dragon Council University of Asian Studies, USA, Yurii Kostrov was awarded the degree “Doctor of Philosophy of Martial Arts”.

   Over the years of his coaching activities, he trained many medalists and champions of various international tournaments, including 4 European and 4 world champions in different versions of Kyokushin karate, Asihara-karate, police ju-jutsu and Sindokai karate.

Experience in martial arts for over 60 years.
















Vera Morozova


9th Baysa/Dan Agni Kempo, Hanshi

Co-Founder/Shodai and Vice-President of the World Agni Kempo Organization (WAKO).

9th Dan Nibuikai Kempo Karate, Hanshi

9th Dan Kempo Ju-Jutsu

9th Dan Kempo Karate

8th Degree Black Belt of Street Combat Karate, Professor

8th Dan of Kungchido Academy

Member of the World Nibuikai Budo Renmei (Germany, Japan)

Life Member of World Combat Street Systems Organization (Germany)

Lifetime Member of the World Martial Arts Society

Member of the Korean Judo and Hapkido Association (South Korea)

Life Member of the World Soke Council (Japan)

Life Member of the World Society of Heads and Founders of International Styles (Philippines)


   Over the years of his coaching activities, she trained many medalists and champions of various international tournaments, including 4 European and 4 world champions in different versions of Kyokushin karate, Asihara-karate, police ju-jutsu and Sindokai karate.


In Agni Kempo Martial Art has been over 30 years.

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