In this official website of WAKO, we will give you a huge amount of very valuable material. We do this because, firstly, training people in our system of self-defense and survival has long been the main business of our lives. In addition, over the past decades, many followers of Agni Kempo have appeared in different countries of the world and we hope to convey important and necessary information to them. We are confident that this site will become a bridge between our students and us, and in this way, we will be able to learn more about them, help them to improve them on this Path.
Secondly, it is necessary to state the fact that we teach our students only what we can do. We teach those techniques and methods that are personally tested by us and our followers. We teach only what is really effective and works in extreme situations. Because, in most such situations, your fantasies that do not have any scientific justification and do not pass the tests for the stability of the skill will most likely not work. But in order to understand this, you need to expand the scope of your volumetric perception of the world around you and the boundaries of your consciousness. Therefore, right now, we suggest that you take the main step, the step towards abandoning the usual stereotypes in order to enter the new door to understanding your own “I”.
Thirdly, in order to start studying Agni Kempo as a fighting style, you need to understand who we are, what we teach and whether we can be trusted. Without this, a complete perception of our material and the system as a whole is not possible. Especially without TRUST. Trust is the filter in your brain that makes it possible to penetrate new knowledge into your consciousness, and then remain in the subconscious in the form of firmly acquired skills. No matter what natural talents you have for promoting our system, without your TRUST for an instructor, trainer or mentor, you will not go a step further. The second factor that prevents students from advancing along our path is Laziness. All our students who have achieved outstanding success in the martial arts have become multiple European and world champions, successful instructors and Honored trainers did not have outstanding talents in this field. Frankly, they were middle peasants. But, their main talent was HARD WORK. And with our help they DID MYSELF.
Today, there are several levels of training in our Agni Kempo Universal Fisticuffs system. On our Website you can watch and study a lot of videos that will greatly help you better understand our methods and will accelerate your progress at this stage. This will greatly simplify your learning process. But, most of all, we recommend that you take part in our international general and thematic training seminars, as well as master classes. Especially, this applies to those who in the future will want to make Agni Kempo their lifestyle, become an instructor, and then a coach. This is due to the fact that in the KUF AK system there are such methodological and technical subtleties that cannot be described in words or filmed on film. They can only be obtained by direct communication with the instructor or coach.
Over the decades of the existence of Agni Kempo, some of the techniques and methods developed by us have been adopted by other styles of martial arts and sport systems. But it was just a blind imitation, because understanding of the inner essence is not possible to copy. For this you need to learn from us.
Initially, you should understand that our system is somewhat similar, but fundamentally different from all the martial arts that exist today. It is simple and accessible to learn and allows you to train a physically unprepared person. Anyone who takes possession of it will be able in any condition, even with illness or injury, to protect themselves and others, and a soldier, for example, special forces, to complete the task. This is due to the fact that Agni Kempo is based on the ability to use the strength of the enemy by 80-85%, and his own only by 15-20%. Our fighters almost do not run crosses to develop overall stamina, as they do in other martial arts styles. However, the breathing, psychophysical training methods and special techniques developed by us that we developed give them the opportunity to fight with one or several opponents for as long as they need, practically without getting tired.
The system of Kostrov's Universally Fisticuffs "Agni Kempo" has no analogues in the whole world. Starting to train in our system, i.e. entering it, you get the opportunity to have unique knowledge that has passed the test of time in different countries of the world, including in the Special Forces of the army, police and special services. This knowledge will help you not to get lost in any extreme situation. You will learn to control the enemy and defeat him without using brute physical force.
You will gain knowledge on the effects on zones and points of the body to defeat and neutralize your opponent. We will teach you how to use the minimum of your strength in a battle with an opponent who is heavier, physically stronger and faster than you. In the Agni Kempo system, you will also master the simultaneous work against several opponents. With the help of our special exercises, you will learn how to absolutely control your own body, which will significantly reduce the level of your injuries not only in battle but also in life.
We sincerely wish you success in comprehending the science of Agni Kempo and will do our best to help you on this WAY.