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Agni Kempo Royal Martial Art

The Agni Kempo Royal Martial Art is a modern system of training a person for self-defense and survival in various situations of real combat clashes, when the price of victory is life.
The creators of this martial art have over 60 years of experience in various martial arts and teaching Agni Kempo, having raised many black belts and world and European champions over the years.
In addition, they taught their training system to the army and police special forces of different countries of the world, as well as to the Special Security Forces of these countries.
More details about the Agni Kempo Royal Martial Art can be found on the official website of the World Agni Kempo Organization, here:

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Learning structure

The structure of training in Agni Kempo runs in 6 directions - from the methods of teaching children from 6 years old to the methods of training the police, army and security services of the anti-terrorist Special Forces.

Dress code for training

The uniform is essential in the training of an Agni Kempo fighter, as our system is the warrior martial art. First, our form is convenient. In addition, the form is part of the education of discipline and fortitude, it unites the fighters into a single team and this has a positive effect on the quality and speed of training. You can not imagine an army unit that is dressed in anything. Then it is no longer an army but a mess.
The form teaches self-discipline and fosters a sense of camaraderie and the will to achieve the goal.

Beginners after 7 months of training

The video that you see below is an example that shows the quality and speed of training of a group of Agni Kempo beginners who, 7 months ago, absolutely did not know what martial art is and did not know any self-defense methods.

 Agni Kempo Books

Here you can buy books on the

Agni Kempo Royal Martial Art 

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