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Корона Императора и Короля Украины-Руси_edited.png

Supreme Royal Council

Supreme Royal Council of the Sovereign Kostrovs Imperial & Royal House of the Ukraine-Rus carries out lawful activities aimed at maintaining and developing political, financial, economic and diplomatic ties with monarchical movements, princely, royal and imperial houses of the world for the benefit of the people of Ukraine-Rus.
This activity is carried out by the Imperial & Royal House through the departments of the Chancellery of His Imperial & Royal Majesty.

Meet The Royal Council

Head of the Council HI&RM King Yuriy I
of the Ukraine-Rus

The Queen-consort Vera
of the Ukraine-Rus

Crown Prince Mykhailo
of the Ukraine-Rus

Crown Princess Marina
of the Ukraine-Rus

H.E. Marquis

Dmytro Korotkov,

of the S.I.&R.H. 

of the Ukraine-Rus

H.G. Baroness

Alla Dogan,
Head of Public Relations Department

of the S.I.&R.H.
of the Ukraine-Rus

H.E. Count

Oleg Krestynskiy,
Head of the Economic Department

of the S.I.&R.H.
of the Ukraine-Rus

For general questions, please contact
to the Royal Chancellery, here:

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