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TV "Monarchy"

The television company "Monarchy" is a structure of the "Department of Development Royal Mass Media " of the Chancellery of His Imperial & Royal Majesty.
This division was created to create and display feature films, documentaries, television films and programs of a monarchical orientation in order to popularize the history, culture, traditions and economy of various monarchical countries of the world.
Also, TV "Monarchy" develops and prepares for display television products that tell about the life of modern noble, imperial and royal houses that are in power in their countries or in exile.


The Crown - (6 seasons)

A fictional series about the life of an outstanding political figure of the last century and the present, Her Royal Majesty God's Grace Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain (Rus)


DOWNTON aBBEY - (6 seasons)

1912 England. The heir to the title of Count of Grantham, who lives with his family on his family estate Downton, dies on the Titanic. The family expects that now that there are no male heirs left, the family's possessions and capital will pass to his eldest daughter after the earl's death. But the count, who gave his whole life to his estate, refuses to defend the rights of young Mary, believing that everything, including the considerable capital of his wife, should go to the heir to his earl title, an unknown distant relative... (Rus)

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The King's speech

The plot of the tape will tell about the Duke, who is preparing to take office as the British King George VI, the father of the current Queen Elizabeth II. After his brother abdicates the throne, the hero reluctantly accepts the throne. Plagued by a terrible nervous stutter and doubts about his ability to lead the country, Georg turns to an unorthodox speech therapist named Lionel Logue for help (Rus)


Genghis Khan - documentary

Great Emperor Genghis Khan (Mongol). Born 1162 - August 18, died in 1227. Born Temujin, was the founder and Great Khan (emperor) of the Mongol Empire, which after his death became the largest contiguous empire in history.
He came to power by uniting many of the nomadic tribes of Northeast Asia. After the foundation of the Empire and the proclamation of "Genghis Khan", he launched the Mongol invasions, which captured most of Eurasia.


The Golden Horde - series

This film is about the state of the Golden Horde, created by the descendants of the Great Emperor Genghis Khan in the vast territories of Central Asia and part of the Eastern European lands.
About the relationship of the Golden Horde with scattered Russian principalities, about its rise and fall.


With fire and sword - series

This series tells about the difficult relations between Poles and Ukrainians in their common state - the Kingdom of Poland. About the uprising and struggle of the Ukrainian people and Ukrainian Cossacks for freedom and independence. About the civil war that divided these two great peoples.

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