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Brief Pedigree Book
of the Sovereign Imperial & Royal House
of the Ukraine-Rus Kingdom

Direct pedigree from Israel's King David

There are 105 generations from King David during 3026 years

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Direct pedigree from the Hetmans of the Ukrainian Cossacks.

25 generations for 1073 years

Direct pedigree from the Kings of Portugal of the Aviz Dynasty

There are 16 generations and 637 years.

Pedigree of the Sovereign Kostrovs Imperial & Royal House of the Ukraine-Rus Kingdom from the European Royal and Imperial Houses of the Burgundian and Aviz Capetian Dynasties

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Direct pedigree from the Khazar Kings of the Bulanid Dynasty

There are 51 generations over 1404 years

Direct pedigree from Emperor Genghis Khan

This line has 27 generations and 867 years

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Pedigree of the Sovereign Kostrovs Imperial & Royal House of the Ukraine-Rus Kingdom from Adam and Eve to the Israeli King David

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Here we place brief information from the Great Pedigree Book of the Sovereign Imperial & Royal House of Ukraine-Rus of the Kostrov Dynasty due to the impossibility of placing the full Book in its old leather binding.
This Imperial & Royal House has five lines of dynastic succession from the imperial and royal houses of the world. The most ancient line of inheritance goes back from Adam and Eve, Noah, Forefather Abraham to the Israeli King David, and from him to the present day, to the Kostrovs Imperial & Royal Family of the Ukraine-Rus, and has 7220 years. There are 105 generations from King David during 3026 years.
The next oldest branch is the dynastic line from the Khazar Kings of Bulanid Dynasty , numbering 51 generations over 1404 years.
Also, dynastic ties with the ancient Cossack, gentry hetman families of Evstafy Dashkevich and Ivan Bohun, which to this day have 25 generations for 1073 years, have been investigated and known.
The ancient family of the Russian-Tatar princes Kostrovs goes back to the founder of the family, the son of the last Khan of the Kingdom of Kazan Safa-Gerey, Murza Kystyr-Girey, who in 1555 received a Patent from the hands of the Moscow Tsar Ivan IV on permission to be called Prince Kostrov, a certificate of which was made to the third part of the "Russian Genealogical Book", to the section "Princely Families", p. 24. This dynastic branch is a direct line from Emperor Genghis Khan, through his son Jochi, grandson of Tuka-Timur and the khans of the Golden Horde to the khans of Crimea and Kazan. This line has 27 generations and 867 years.
The fifth and youngest is the line from the founder of the Capetian dynasties, Hugo Capet, who is the basis of all European royal houses, and from him through Count Henry of Burgundy, the founder of the Burgundian dynasty of Kings of Portugal to the Dynasty Portuguese  of Kings Aviz, to the last King of this Dynasty, Antonio I the Resolute, from whom The Imperial & Royal House of the Ukraine-Rus has 16 generations and 637 years.
All this data and much more is in the Great Pedigree Book of the Imperial & Royal House of the Kostrovs Dynasty, which has more than 200 pages.
Everyone should know that according to international laws, the descendants of the owner of royal blood who have lived in this country for at least 150 years can claim the throne and crown of any state. Only they know well the mentality of the people of this country, its culture and language.
According to all the ancient laws of succession to the throne:
• Jure sanguinis - the Law of the Blood - the royal prerogatives of once-reigning emperors, kings and princes;
• Jus imperii - command power;
• Jus gladii - the right to obedience of subjects;
• Jus majestatis - the right to honors and protection corresponding to the rank;
• Jus honorum - the right to award, grant titles of nobility and honorary cavalier titles, as well as the right to give others the status of holding similar powers;
as well as the "Act of Succession" of the Sovereign Kostrovs Imperial & Royal House of the Ukraine-Rus, "Constitution of the Ukraine-Rus Kingdom" and given the fact that the entire Cossack Family of the descendants of the Kostrovs Imperial & Royal House of the Ukraine-Rus have been permanently living in this territory for more than 1000 years and at all times have taken an active part in the struggle for the freedom and independence of Ukraine, therefore, only this August House has full and exclusive rights to the Throne and Crown of the Ukraine-Rus Power.

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