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OPEN DOORS DAY - 01/09/2020

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Our advantages:
What do you get by choosing
International Agni Kempo Institute?


Deep education in the martial art of Agni Kempo, a powerful impetus for the career of an instructor or coach in the ranks of our Organization


Agni Kempo is a unique martial art that has six subdivisions in its structure: for children, young men, elderly people and people with disabilities, self-defense for all, who wants, methods of training for police, army and special services. As a result, after deep education in our Institute, everyone can find his Way for career and personal development in our World Organization.


International student community of future professional instructors and trainers of Agni Kempo


Becoming a student of IAKI, you find yourself in a friendfull international community of people who have chosen self-improvement on the Way of Agni Kempo Martial Art as their life credo. Our Institute does not distinguish students on the basis of race, religion or politics. We are one big family of Agni Kempo! Our International Agni Kempo Institute is waiting for you in our ranks!


Kiev - one of the most interesting cities in the world

Kiev is the capital of Ukraine and one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The students of our institute have a chance to come here repeatedly. Although all IAKI training is conducted remotely with each student, student will have to come to Kiev for the exam sessions, every half a year, to examin his theoretical knowledge and practical skills in beautiful Olympic camps and other sports centers of our Institute. However, the next examination session can take place not only in Kiev, but also in another country, if the session is in the same time with the international training seminar or organization of international camp of Agni Kempo. This will give you the opportunity to travel around the world and personally get acquainted with our students in different countries. While staying at the exams in Kiev, you will have time for excursions to get acquainted with this unique city, which is already more than 1,500 years old.


After the termination of IAKI you will not need to look for a place of work, you will create your own workplace


World Kostrov’s Universal Fisticuffs Organization of Agni Kempo is a constantly and dynamically developing organism. IAKI is its integral part. After graduating from our institute, you do not need to look for a place to work. You can create your own workplace in your country yourself! After 2 years of training and getting the title of "Agni Kempo Instructor" you will have the right to register officially a branch of our organization in your country, open a club and lead it yourself. To do this, World Headquarters of our Organization will provide you with a full package of all registration documents you need. After receiving the title of "Agni Kempo Coach" and having three clubs in your branch, you will receive the status of the Official Representative of our organization and you will be able to develop Agni Kempo not only in your city, but in the whole region.


Teaching staff of the world class, modern training bases and the World Training Centre 
of Agni Kempo


Having entered our international institute, you have the privilege to obtain the highest knowledge directly from the founders of the modern combat system of Agni Kempo, Grand Master Yurii Kostrov (10th Baysa/Dan, Meijin) and Grandmaster Vera Morozova (9th Baysa/Dan, Sodai), that is directly from first-hand. Also, for successful mastering of our training program Black Belts (instructors and trainers) of our Organization will work with you. Here is some more information about the teaching staff. Yurii Kostrov - more 60 years of combat experience, 44 years of teaching martial arts, 30 years of teaching his own author's style of Agni Kempo, 8 personally trained champions of Europe and the world in contact martial arts. International certified trainer. Vera Morozova - more 30 years of teaching Agni Kempo, 8 personally trained champions of Europe and the world in contact martial arts. International certified trainer. Our teaching staff is qualified as highest international level. Become our student and get knowledge from professionals!


Receiving the title of "Agni Kempo Instructor" for 2, and "Agni Kempo Coach" for 4 years

Training in our International Institute will allow you to become a real Martial Artist of Agni Kempo. After 2 years of training, and passing the examination session, you will receive the title of "Agni Kempo Instructor", which will allow you to work officially as instructor. You will be able to continue further education, immediately or after a while, to receive the title of "Agni Kempo Coach" and bachelor degree. If you want to get a master's degree after getting the rank of "Coach", you will have to obtain additional higher education for one more year.



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