This is Agni Kempo
Why an institute, not a university or academy? It's simple. University trains specialists in several scientific fields, academy improves previously received and gives new knowledges, and the institute trains professionals only in one or two scientific disciplines.
Agni Kempo is a revolutionary trend in the world of martial arts. As a system, it is at the overlap of many sciences, such as history, philosophy, traditional and oriental medicine, physics, mathematics, biology, biomechanics and many others. During the entire period of study, our students, from year to year, gradually receive all the knowledge they need in our International Agni Kempo Institute, but as an institute, IAKI prepares professionals and gives higher education only in this style of martial art.
IAKI accepts students without exams, however, each prospective student of our institute must send his resume and fill up a form, thаt is sent to the prospective student after the institute administration receive his application for admission (form on the main page).
The form of training is remote. At the beginning of the semester we send materials for studying and passing the tests to each student. Test sessions are also conducted remotely, however, exams are conducted twice a year, in winter and in summer in the special base camps of Agni Kempo. Examination session lasts one week each student is invited by letter from IAKI.