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Fragment of the exam

Interview of students for television

Agni Kempo is a real revolution in the martial arts industry. Our program gives you opportunity to study deeply system, constantly improving your technical, physical and spiritual level.

When you become student of our institute, from the first days you will be part of the international family represented by people of different religious, political opinions and cultural traditions of many countries of the world. When you enter our International Institute you will be equal among equals and together with all like-minded people who have chosen their life path - the Way of Agni Kempo, you will reach its heights. You will become not only martial artist, but instructor, and possibly a coach of this unique combat system.

Training program in IAKI consists of two mutually penetrating components: theoretical and practical training.

Theoretical training of the student includes studying the general anatomy and physiology of human been, the basis of the philosophy of Agni Yoga, the philosophy of Agni Kempo, the basics of su-jok, kappo and chen-chiu therapy, 6 levels of resuscitation after trauma and concussion, the theory of Agni meditation and other information.

Practical training consists of studying the basic Agni Kempo techniques, methods of general physical and special physical training, special methods and techniques of Agni Kempo fight, methods of increasing stress resistance, extrasensory capabilities and combat hypnosis, self-defense without weapons and with weapons, knife combat, work with firearms on special methods developed in our institute.

When you graduate from IAKI, you will leave the institute as a specialist (instructor or coach) of the highest international level with the rank of the Master Black Belt of the 2 - 4 Baisa/Dan rank Agni Kempo. However, this does not mean that your education is over. You, as Master Agni Kempo, continue your development in the ranks of our World Kostrov’s Universal Fisticuffs Organization - Agni Kempo.

International Certificates and License received from IAKI allow you to register branches of Agni Kempo and work as an instructor or coach in your country and most countries of the world.

Become our student and reach the top of skill and self-knowledge ... The Way of Agni Kempo is waiting for you!



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