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Basic impact training

Basic throws technique training




1. Agni Kempo meditation technique (medium breathing circle).

2. Jaril breath (Solar).

3. Breath of punching (Impulse)

4. What is warm-up and training?

5. Fundamentals of Psychology.

6. Sports psychology.

7. Inok (lestvitsa).

8. "Zoska" - knurling and impact padding of the body (2nd level).

9. Self-insurance (2nd level).

10. Strengthening of shock parts of the body (2 nd level).

11. Study of the 2nd level of damage to the body and resuscitation

      after it.

12. "Goydok" in place and in motion.

13. The basic technique of blows with hands (from the main

      battle stand in combination with blocks + "chelnok"):

      - Sredniy i verkhniy pryamoy udar kulakom (blok sekushchiy +

      - Verkhniy pryamoy udar vertikal'nym kulakom (Sekushchiy +

        dlan'yu + predplech'yem).
      - Pryamyye udary kornem dlani (shlepayushchiy blok +

        sekushchiy blok

        + n/naruzhnyy + n/dlan'yu).
      - Udar kulakom sverkhu (sekushchiy + verkhniy krest).
      - Krugovyye, korotkiye udary kulakom: verkhniy krugovoy i

        voskhodyashchiy (podstavka   + sekushchiy).
      - Udary loktem: vverkh, verkhniy krugovoy, v storonu, sverkhu

        (dlan'yu + predplech'yem).
      - Sekushchiye udary: verkhniy, nizhniy, sverkhu, v storonu

        (verkhniy krest + predplech'yem + nakladka).

14. The basic blows technique of kicking (continuation):

      - Nizhniye krugovyye udary nogoy (polupal'tsami, golen'yu).
      - Sredniye krugovyye udary nogoy (polupal'tsami, golen'yu).
      - Otnozhnyye udary (nizhniy, sredniy).
      - Zanozhnyy udar (sredniy).

15. Attacking and counter-attacking ligaments of the 1st level (1

      against 2 with a palitsa and with a knife).


16. The basic throws (5) in combination with a variety of blows

      in FORM 1, 2:

      - otkhvat;
      - brosok cherez bedro;
      - perednyaya podnozhka;
      - brosok cherez plecho;
      - podkhvat.

17. The basic throws (5) continuation:

      - brosok cherez spinu;
      - perednyaya podsechka.
      - podsad golen'yu («konok»).
      - bokovaya podsechka (v tom chisle, v temp shagov);
      - podsechka v koleno.


18. Basic ligaments of the 2nd level (attack / counterattack).


19. Throws of cutting the system of "Invulnerability" (6) from a

      circular kick in motion (in combination with painful and


      - podsad kolenom (raskrytiye);
      - otkhvat szadi (raskrytiye)
      - otkhvat szadi, posle priyema udara na tulovishche (raskrytiye);
      - otkhvat szadi, posle nizhnego krugovogo udara v

        bedro (raskrytiye);
      - podsad kolenom, posle krugovogo udara s vrashcheniyem na

        srednem urovne (zakrytiye);
      - otkhvat speredi, posle ataki protivnika rukoy, s provedeniyem

        udara kolenom v golovu ili broskom vpered (zakrytiye).


19. Forms: 3 and 4


20. Basic techniques for releasing from the wrist and forearm

      grips (14):

      - osvobozhdeniye vykruchivaniyem bol'shogo pal'tsa;
      - osvobozhdeniye loktem naruzhu;
      - osvobozhdeniye predplech'ya;
      - osvobozhdeniye opuskaniyem ruki;
      - osvobozhdeniye vrashcheniyem;
      - osvobozhdeniye tolchkom;
      - osvobozhdeniye tolchkom loktya;
      - osvobozhdeniye otkrytoy dlan'yu;
      - dvukhetapnoye osvobozhdeniye;
      - osvobozhdeniye podsekayushchim dvizheniyem;
      - osvobozhdeniye «treugol'nikom»;
      - osvobozhdeniye podnyatiyem loktya;
      - osvobozhdeniye dvizheniyem vniz;
      - osvobozhdeniye dvizheniyem vverkh.

21. Interception of hands on three levels with capture (in place: in

      the stands "Medved" and "Shturmovaya").

22. Dexterous hands ("beckoning hands" 1, 2, 3) in place and in

      motion with a partner.

23. Melee blocks in place and in motion - 14

24. "Circles of hands" - 3, 4, 5.

25. Dodging down and away from blows with your own


26. Shock strengthening of fingers and joints of fingers.

27. Self-defense against a pistol (12).


28. Examinations:


      The Theory:

      the history of KUF Agni Kempo, the methods of KUF Agni

      Kempo, the psychology of sports.

      Resuscitation and treatment of 2nd level injuries.


      The Practice:

      1. Self-insurance of 2nd Level.

      2. Inok (lestvitsa).

      3. Release from captures.

      4. Bundles of the 2nd level.

      5. Bundles of 1st Level: 1 against 2.

      6. Forms 3 and 4.

      7. Strength exercises: push-ups on the fists in the  support -

          50, pull-ups on the crossbar - 15, exercise for the abdominal

          muscles "pump" - 50.

      8. "Bitiye zavad"  -  break up 2 boards in four exercises (fist,

          secant arm, elbow on top, heel from above).


* The Note: The amount of time required for a solid practical assimilation of the material is given from the calculation of three workouts per week, 3 hours each.

After successfully passing the 2nd Level exam and receiving the 2nd Baysa/Dan Agni Kempo, the student is given all necessary certificates and the "Agni Kempo Instructor" License, which allows him/her to teach our system in any country in the world.



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