Training seminars in different countries
1. Meditation (small breathing circle).
2. Biomechanics of the human body.
3. "Nine armor-piercing breaths".
4. "Zoska" - knurling and impact padding of the body (3rd level).
5. Self-insurance (3rd level).
6. Strengthening of shock parts of the body (3rd level).
7. Dexterous hands (perfecting with a partner and on a wooden dummy “Siddha-Buddha”).
8. Work on a wooden dummy “Siddha-Buddha”.
9. "Millstone" and "Semi-millstone".
10. Special basic ligaments for fighting.
11. Study of the 3rd level of defeat.
12. Basic throws (5) with a fall:
- Brosok padeniyem na spinu s zakhvatom za otvorot i rukav;
- Brosok padeniyem na spinu s zakhvatom kurtki na pleche;
- Brosok padeniyem na spinu s zakhvatom ruki;
- Brosok padeniyem na spinu v pryzhke;
- Brosok padeniyem na spinu s zakhvatom za sheyu.
13. The basic throws (10), including with a fall, in combination
with punches and kicks in FORMS 5, 6, 7 and 8:
- Brosok cherez spinu;
- Perednyaya podsechka;
- Podsad golen'yu («koniok»);
- Bokovaya podsechka (including and in the pace of steps);
- Podsechka v koleno.
14. Combinations of throws from the rack in attack - 38
combination in conjoin with impact technique + “chelnok”:
- Otkhvat;
- Brosok cherez bedro;
- Perednyaya podnozhka;
- Podkhvat;
- Brosok cherez plecho;
- Brosok cherez spinu;
- Perednyaya podsechka;
- Podkhvat golen'yu;
- Bokovaya podsechka (including and in the pace of steps);
- Podsechka v koleno.
15. Combinations of throws from the stand in the defense
(counterattack) – 40 combination in conjoin with impact
technique + “chelnok”:
- Otkhvat;
- Brosok cherez bedro;
- Perednyaya podnozhka;
- Brosok cherez plecho.
- Brosok cherez spinu;
- Perednyaya podsechka;
- Podkhvat golen'yu;
- Bokovaya podsechka (v tom chisle, v temp shagov);
- Podsechka v koleno;
- Podkhvat.
16. Basic kicks technique (continued):
- Nizhniye krugovyye udary nogoy s povorotom na 360°
(stopoy, polupyatkoy).
- Sredniye krugovyye udary nogoy s povorotom na 360°
(podoshvoy stopy, polupyatkoy).
- Verkhniye krugovyye udary nogoy s povorotom na 360°
(podoshvoy stopy, polupyatkoy).
- Verkhniye otnozhnyye udary.
- Verkhniy krugovoy udar (stopoy, golen'yu).
17. Self-defense "one against three": short stick + knife + gun.
18. Interceptions of hands on three levels with capture (in
19. "Circles of hands" - 6, 7, 8.
20. Work with "points" on the dummy.
21. Self-defense against long-barreled weapons (AKM and M-
22. Basic fighting technique at the bottom (“Parter”)
23. Lestvitsa "Ratnik".
24. Lestvitsa "Svarga".
25. Examinations:
The Theory:
1. Meditation (theory).
2. Fatal and lethal points.
3. Biomechanics of the human body.
4. Resuscitation and treatment at the 3rd level of injury.
The Practice:
1. Strength exercises: push-ups on the fists in the support -
70, pull-ups on the crossbar - 20, exercise for the abdominal
muscles "pump" - 70.
2. Lestvitsa "Svarga".
3. Lestvitsa "Ratnik".
4. Self-defense "one against three".
5. Forms 5, 6, 7 and 8.
6. Self-defense against long-barreled weapons.
7. "Bitiye zavad": breaking concrete blocks.
8. "Zoska": breaking sticks on the body.
* The note: The amount of time required for solid assimilation of the material is given from the calculation of three workouts per week, 3 hours each.