Training seminars in Ukraine
1. Subsystems of Agni Kempo.
2. Meditation (advanced technique).
3. Self-insurance (4th level).
4. "Zoska" - knurling and impact padding of the body (4th level).
5. Strengthening of shock parts of the body (4th level).
6. Study of the 4th level of defeat.
7. Perfection of FORM 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.
8. Perfection of melee technique (wooden dummy “Siddha-
Buddha” and with patners).
9. Improving kicks with special equipment.
10. Basic throws (5):
- “Mel'nitsa”;
- “Mel'nitsa” cherez grud’;
- “Poplavok”;
- Brosok cherez grud';
- Brosok cherez golovu s uporom golen'yu v bedro.
11. The basic methods of hands knots - "Uzel" (5):
- Obratnoyy uzel;
- Uzel natyagivaniyem;
- Uzel tolchkom;
- Uzal opuskaniyem loktya;
- Uzel podnimaniyem loktya.
12. Basic methods of release by hands knots with a throw (12):
- Protiv chasovoy strelki;
- Krugovym vrashcheniyem;
- Zakhvatom bol'shogo pal'tsa;
- Natagivaniyem;
- Podnyatiyem loktya;
- Tolchkom;
- Davleniyem na lokot'
- Opuskaniyem loktya;
- Dozhimom kisti;
- Petloy;
- Nadavlivaniyem;
- Nyrkom golovoy.
13. Forms 9, 10, 11 and 12.
14. Lestvitsa "Knife" + perfection of techniques and self-defense
against knife (elite technique).
15. "Circles of hands" - 8.
16. Technique of possession of tonfa.
17. Lestvitsa "Tonfa".
18. Self-defense using tonfa.
19. Self-defense against tonfa.
20. Technology of possession of the nunchaku.
21. Lestvitsa "Nunchaku 1".
22. Self-defense using nunchaku.
23. Self-defense against the nunchaku.
24. Lestvitsa "Nunchaku 2".
25. Examinations:
The Theory:
1. Subsystems of Agni Kempo.
2. The 4th level of defeat.
3. Resuscitation and treatment at the 4th level of the lesion.
The Practice:
1. Basic throws (higher technique).
2. Basic hands knots techniques.
3. Basic techniques of release from captures.
4. Forms 9, 10, 11 and 12.
5. Self-defense against a knife (higher technique).
6. Lestvitsa "Knife".
7. Self-defense using tonf.
8. Self-defense against tonf.
9. Lestvitsa "Tonfa".
10. Self-defense using nunchaku.
11. Self-defense against the nunchaku.
12. Lestvitsa "Nunchaku 1" and "Nunchaku 2".
13. Strength exercises: push-ups on the fists in the support -
81, pull-ups on the crossbar - 25, exercise for the abdominal
muscles "pump" - 100.
14. "Bitiye zavad": breaking 2 bricks in four exercises (fist, secant
hand, elbow from above, heel from above).
15. Test fights: 40 x 2 minutes, without stopping.
* The note: the amount of time required for a solid assimilation of the material is given from the calculation of at least four workouts per week, 3 hours each.